Charlotte, Shelburne, Burlington, Williston, Winooski, Essex Junction, Cambridge, Jeffersonville

, Burlington, VT 05401 (Get directions)

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Charlotte, Shelburne, Burlington, Williston, Winooski, Essex Junction, Cambridge, Jeffersonville

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Ordering Starts Ordering Ends Pickup Date
Tue, Feb 25th Mon, Mar 3rd Thu, Mar 6th
Tue, Mar 4th Mon, Mar 10th Thu, Mar 13th
Tue, Mar 11th Mon, Mar 17th Thu, Mar 20th
Tue, Mar 18th Mon, Mar 24th Thu, Mar 27th
Tue, Mar 25th Mon, Mar 31st Thu, Apr 3rd
Tue, Apr 1st Mon, Apr 7th Thu, Apr 10th
Tue, Apr 8th Mon, Apr 14th Thu, Apr 17th
Tue, Apr 15th Mon, Apr 21st Thu, Apr 24th
Tue, Apr 22nd Mon, Apr 28th Thu, May 1st
Tue, Apr 29th Mon, May 5th Thu, May 8th
Tue, May 6th Mon, May 12th Thu, May 15th
Tue, May 13th Mon, May 19th Thu, May 22nd

The Greater Burlington Area Loop includes Charlotte, Shelburne, Burlington, Williston, Winooski, Essex Junction, Cambridge, Jeffersonville.

Orders will be delivered on Thursdays directly to your home address! Once you place your order all you will need to do is leave a well-insulated, sanitized cooler outside for us to leave your order in. Just make sure to put the order in your fridge by the end of the day.

Orders for delivery Thursdays, need to be submitted by 5 pm on Mondays to give us time to coordinate products from our partner farms, pack your orders, and develop a delivery route. All orders received after Monday at 5 p.m. will be fulfilled the following week.

How Doorstep Delivery Works 

  1. Order online at Please try to make minimum orders as close to $100 as possible (we understand if it has to be less and can still make the delivery). 
  2. Pay online (at this time we are not accepting cash or check for deliveries). 
  3. Leave a clean/sanitized cooler on your porch or near your front door. 
  4. We will place your order in the cooler for you to access upon our departure.

For orders that do not fall within the Rte. 100 Corridor or Greater Burlington Area, we will schedule a delivery once we have 3+ orders within 15 miles of where you live in Vermont. We are doing this so we can cut down our time driving around and to reduce our exposure for all of us. If you do not see your Vermont town listed, feel free to email us at and we will see if we can figure out a way to make an order work.

Fees & Rates

Delivery Fee $10.00 flat rate